Monday, April 23, 2012

Picture palooza

For our 7th anniversary the hubby and I decided to upgrade out camera from a broken one, to a fancy almost DSLR one.  Neither of us thought that we necessarily needed a fancy DSLR camera.  Neither of us are avid photobugs and it would just be way too much (both monetarily and in ability).  After some looking around online and checking what the 'best buy' is for what we needed the hubby ordered an Olympus E-PL1 from Newegg.

It arrived today via UPS and I could hardly wait to get the battery charged up and ready to go!  In fact I didn't wait very long for the battery to charge, I managed to hold out for an hour, but not much longer.  :)  After that I went nuts taking pictures of my pets, my kids, and everything!  Here are some of my faves with me playing around with the settings today.

My dog Ein in pop art and softglow
Usually my dog pictures are all the same and not very good so I was very happy about these

My kitty Teo in softglow

Monster Bean in sepia and grainy

Little Miss in softglow and straight up
In the last pic she's doing a carrot dance :)

Master griller at our house

Hey, I even look good in way too close up :D

On this close to 80 degree day I flaunted my skirt!  I failed at pictures on a timer so I had to revert to photo in the mirror.

It was of course very important to take pictures of my knitting as well.  This is the current cardigan I'm working on.  It's called Modern Garden Cardigan.  I found a beautiful blend of Malabrigo and am loving how it's turning out so far!  Yay!

Alright, more knitting less blogging now :D  I promise more pictures in future posts with my shiny camera :D

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