Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Homemade Food Weekend

On Sunday I tried my hand at making cinnamon rolls from scratch.  I was a little wary with the rising times and if it had risen enough, but they turned out pretty good for my first time!

This is a tiny sampling of my batch of 24!

For a friend's BBQ on Monday I volunteered us for treats of some sort and made Dirt Dessert and Strawberry Meringue Pie.  The kids were super excited to 'help' with the dessert and I even had the hubby working in the kitchen :D

I love fresh strawberries!


Hubby squeezing the strawberries


I was going to make this my outfit post but I think my hubby selectively didn't hear me when I mentioned this.

Stirring marshmallows with strawberry juice

The meringue crust.

Finished product!

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