Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hubby's Thirty!

This week my husband joined me in the age of 'Old Farts'.  :D  On his actual birthday we didn't do anything crazy (except go crazy...with the kids).  We were saving it up for this weekend.  :)

Friday he took the afternoon off from work so we could bring the kids to his parents' house and get back at a semi-normal time.  Plus we had to do grocery shopping and of course stock up on some booze.  While we were out of town I picked up some yarn for my friend's baby sweater (another Gramps' Cardigan!) and the hubby picked up some airbrushing goodies.  Back at home we loaded up on food (amazingly even with me forgetting to write down a handful of things, we were under budget!) and booze. 

Friday night we wound down with a game of Agricola which I didn't do terribly at, but definitely could have done better.  It's still a headscratcher of a game for me, but I at least had upgraded my houses and had all my people out.  :)  After Agricola we pulled out Ticket to Ride Europe and I lost miserably both times.  I blame it on reading the map upside down.  :)

When you have kids you forget how to sleep in.  Even stranger is that when the kids are away and you can't sleep in, you still feel like they will come bowling into your room at 7AM asking to watch cartoons.  Good thing the dog was still there and needed us otherwise I think we might actually have been lazy bums for longer!  :D  Once we got up and going I started on the birthday cake.

Take one chocolate box cake and poke holes in it
Fill holes with caramel...and keep going....going....and 20 oz later.....!

Mix together cream cheese, butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar, cream, vanilla for frosting

Annihilate a handful of Snickers' bars

And voila!  Snickers candy bar cake!

The cake turned out pretty tasty if I say so myself :)  Super sweet (definitely need ice cream on the side with it) and I'm happy that we had enough guests and family to pawn extras off to that we have a small sampling left.  Otherwise I think no amount of working out would stave off the extra calories ;)

After lunch on Saturday we hit the disc golf course and I only played 9 holes but tagged along for the back 9.  It's no fun throwing when you are starting to get a callous because you haven't gone out for a year!  I did pretty well considering, I hit about 4 tosses, sometimes 5 on each hole which is average for me on a good day.  :) 

Once we were done playing disc golf we went to see "The Avengers" and it was amazing!!!  I was also pretty excited watching the previews because there are some good ones coming up.  They previewed "Snow White and The Huntsman", "The Dark Knight Rises", "Prometheus", "Battleship", and "Spider-Man" (I might be missing one).  The first two listed are ones that I would really like to see in the theater.  I love Christian Bale as Batman!  Swoon.  Two hours later we headed back out into the sunshine to come home and start grilling some burgers and brats.  We scarfed down buffet style, played a game and then had dessert before hunkering down for some serious game play.  :)

It was a great time and exactly the kind of party my hubby had in mind.  :)

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